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Why we must Vote Yes and say NO to Tories/Labour/ LIE-beral demoCRAPS

As the campaign from both sides continues there are a number of questions which the Scottish people must keep in mind and the fundamental question we must ask ourselves is can we AFFORD to be duped into believing anything coming from the Bitter Together Campaign?

Looking back to the 70s when Gavin Mcrone wrote his report, we must ask why was this report classified secret?? = The report predicted that North sea oil revenue would have given an independent Scotland one of the strongest currencies in Europe and a large tax surplus. On this basis, it went on to say that officials advised government ministers on how to take “the wind out of the SNP sails”. The incoming Labour administration classified the document as secret over fears it could give a further boost to the SNP’s policy of Scottish independence, this report dispelled any claims Scotland could not survive as an independent nation. We are now asked to again believe that Scotland would not be able to cope as an independent nation, if there was ever a reason to disbelieve or be sceptical of Westminster rule over Scotland this report displays exactly why we should NOT trust the Bitter Together Campaign. What else have they hidden and failed to disclose to the Scottish People?

Both the tories and Labour have been shown to blatantly lie and mislead the scottish people, a charge which they cannot deny, they also lied about the VAT returns from North Sea Revenue a fact which was proven only when the SNP requested details of this from Brussels.Scottish Labour claim to know what is best for our country and wish to act on behalf of the scottish people, have they yet to realise the scottish people want no TORIES? and in an independent Scotland the tories would die out as a party, the Lib Dems have also showed themselves to be dishonest and they have paid and continue to pay for the extent of the betrayal of their voters in every election/by-election held since they got into bed with CaMORON and co.

Do we really want to be going into general elections knowing that EVERY single Scot could vote for a single party other than the tories and end up with TORIES in power?, this is not fair and it is certainly not Democratic, and it is a scenario which has occured on no less than 5 ocassions in recent times. Do we want to see more Scottish troops lose their life’s having been sent to an ILLEGAL war despite the overwhelming MAJORITY of SCOTS people and MSP’s opposing it? Do we want to see our NHS privatised? (a process which is already underway in some hospitals in England) Do we want to live in a society where our most vulnerable/poor and disabled individuals are having their living standards dramatically cut to the point where it is a real struggle to keep a roof over their head and a constant battle just to get by with many facing choices of EATING or HEATING their homes, all this whilst the RICH continue to get TAX CUTS!! Do we really need to be spending BILLIONS of pounds on Trident when given technological advances this will be almost obsolete within 10-15 years? Do we want to be associated with a government that sells arms to some of the most oppressive regimes on the planet such as Israel and Saudi Arabia, two nations which breach more international laws and commit more war crimes than is ever reported here in ‘Britain’! 

The people of Scotland have a MASSIVE opportunity which we may NEVER have again to shape the future of our nation in a positive way and by doing so giving Scotland a REAL voice in the world, where we can refuse to send our troops to illegal wars, keep our NHS safeguarded, refuse to be Westminsters dumping ground for nuclear warheads, take back the 6,000 sq miles of coastland stolen from Scotland by the Lib Dem/Labour coalition prior to the opening of the scottish parliament where they moved scotlands marine boundaries from berwick upon tweed to Carnoustie!! Most importantly we can show the world we are capable of not just surviving but prospering as an independent nation, 2014 is our time and we must not let this opportunity slip! VOTE YES IN 2014!!!!



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